It has been a few months since the last message from the Secretary. The Web Site is a work in progress and with the assistance of Jason Smith, we are working to keep it as up to date as possible.
The Valley of Terre Haute had a very busy and eventful 2021. To our sadness we lost Fifty (50) Scottish Rite members as listed in the Necrology report. We also added Seventeen (17) 32o Scottish Rite Masons through the Virtual 32o in May and through the Valley of Terre Haute’s Reunion on November 13, 2021.
Along with welcoming our new 32o Scottish Rite Masons here are a few highlights from 2021:
- The Valley was able to secure the purchase of the property located at 8930 E US HWY 40, Terre Haute, IN on May 21, 2021. Thanks to the Trustees, the E-Board and Ill George Brattain 33o for handling the purchase and all of the legalities to ensure the Valley was protected and poised for the future.
- The Cathedral is all on one level, with the Exception of the Stage.
- The restrooms are handicap assessable as is the building.
- The building sits on 4.4 acres and has the room to grow and expand to meet the Valley’s immediate needs and the ability to expand as necessary. The building houses the Office, the E-Board Room, Production Office, dressing rooms and storge for Production, a Dining area and our Stage Area. The Valley is extremely proud of our new home and enjoy showing the Cathedral off to those who visit. The offices are up and running and have been since the last of June but we still need to understand storage and unpack a little more.
- The move of the office from Corporate Square and the items stored at the Sycamore Building was completed in one day back in June with the help of numerous volunteers, their trucks and trailers. The final move of all items stored at Rick Allen’s warehouse, current TPM, took place in December 2021 and was also completed in one day. Thanks to all who helped on those days and the accomplishment of task at hand. The amount of work you get from a few donuts and coffee. A special thanks goes out to Rick Allen for the use of his Warehouse and Paul Burns for finding the Sycamore Building for storage of our costumes during our transition.
- The Valley had the usual activities of the Bean Dinner and Fish Fry and this year the Plumbers and Steamfitters was used. The Valley thanks the Plumbers and Steamfitters UA Local 157 for allowing the Valley to use their facilities for both of our outside events, the Feast of the Pascal Lamb and several stated meetings.
- The Cathedral is starting to feel like home as photos of the 33rds, MSAs and Officers have been displayed. Thanks to Richard Reed, one of our two (2) newest MSAs for making all of the holders for the photos. We still have work to do but we are making strides along the way that show our loyalty and remembrance of our past while looking to the future.
- The Valley has also hosted:
- The Scholarship Award presentation by the Scholarship Committee to the Valley Recipients. The Valley of Terre Haute is extremely fortunate to be part of granting scholarships through the Wabash Valley Community Foundation (a foundation set up by the sale of the Scottish Rite Cathedral), The Abbott Scholarship and the Valley of Terre Haute Scholarship program. In 2021, the Valley was blessed to fulfill 27 Scholarship requests through the three (3) programs. Thanks to our Scholarship Committee.
- Three (3) golf outings that raised money for Dyslexia. Thanks to the Golf Committee and the Dyslexia team for their efforts
- The Valley hosted the following events at our Cathedral”
- Dedication of the Cathedral by the Ill Dan Martin 33o, Grand Master of the State of Indiana.
- The November 2021 Reunion where we had 3 live Degrees. Thanks to the cast members and Production Team for a successful Reunion.
- The Appreciation Banquet where we honored the newest 33rds, millstone membership achievements and others.
The Valley of Terre Haute recognizes there are opportunities to grow and improve as we move into the future. The NMJ has given the Valleys in the NMJ a path they see as the future which includes Thursday Night at the Rite and guidance for the growth of the Valley.
The Valley has always known that it is our Members who make us who we are. 2021 was a year where we leaned very heavily on many of our Members for help from washing dishes, tearing out walls, painting, etc. The list of who to thank is long and if I have not personally thanked you, I apologize.
This has been a year where the Valley has welcomed the Grand Officers of Indiana and Ill Greg Jordan 33o , the Active for the NMJ, to share in the Pride we have for our Valley, our Members and our Cathedral.
Here is to 2022 where the Valley will meet the Challenges this year and prepare for the future of the Valley of Terre Haute AASR.
Thank you,
Stanley Abernathy
Executive Secretary, Valley of Terre Haute